+7 (861) 204-00-40

+7 918 047-33-44
Отдел заготовки сырья


Sunflower press cake obtained when pressing (single-stage and double-stage) pre-treated sunflower seeds on screw presses in order to extract oil. It is a source of protein balanced in terms of amino acid composition, with an optimal content of fiber, fat (up to 10%) and a low oxidation rate. Due to the above, it has a high calorie content and nutritive value. It is used for feeding purposes being directly introduced into the animals ration (in households, on farms), as well as for producing combined products.

Quality and safety indicators of sunflower press cake comply with GOST 80-96.
The product is sold in bulk or packed in polypropylene bags and big bags.


  • Road transportation
  • Railway transportation